YOUR FIRST DANCE once married is possibly the last calm romantic moment before you rock the dance floorHere are 7 steps to the perfect 1st dance.
1 – Managing Nerves
If the thought of friends and family staring as you dance makes you nervous then that is totally understandable. Rest assured most couples feel this way, and once dancing those nerves evaporate. Think of this as a moment just for you.

Credit – Fig Tree Pictures, Venue – Byron View Farm
2 – We Can’t Dance
No worries – let’s strip back the dance to a romantic moment with a song you both like. Guests will enjoy seeing you looking into each other eyes. Regardless, if you’re slow dancing closely or recreating the final Dirty Dancing scenes where Johnny lifts Baby in the air – enjoy the moment.
3 – Meaningful Music
Pick a song with meaningful lyrics. Is there a song that was played on a date that resonated? A song from a film that tugs those heart strings?
Check out this Playlist for 1st Dance Inspiration.
4 – Call in the A-Team
Ask your MC to invite your parent’s and wedding party to join the dance floor part way into your song. The remaining guests will soon join you.

Credit – Allume Weddings, Venue – Victoria’s Estate, Byron
5 – Go Fast, Go Slow
One song or two songs. This is my favourite manoeuvre I share with couples to get the romantic feels and party started within 2 minutes.
Example: Latch – Sam Smith Acoustic mixed into the Disclosure remix
- Firstly it’s a great love song.
- The Sam Smith acoustic version plays way while you dance slowly, the song reaches a “lull or dip” before a build up.
- At this point I transition and mix in the Disclosure version of Latch.
- I mix in this version at the expected next verse but this version has a energy build up climaxing with the chorus as the electronic house / garage beat kicks in.
- Now the dance floor lights go and everyone joins you. Checkpoint reached:- instant full dance floor.
- Digging deeper the song versions have a similar tempo, and I’ve consider the song structure and energy along with the musical key of the songs. I also beat matched and cued the tracks, and added some effects to the mix.
6 – Dancing with the Stars
No one is expecting choreographed dance but if you want to tango or shuffle like a pro then go for it. You can hire a choreographer in person or do online classes to step you through the moves.